
Interview: Organisers of Leeds’s ‘Loop Hole’ party night

By July 27, 2016


unnamed-4Loop Hole is not a nightclub or a rave, it is a party. Or so say its organisers. Jack Simpson sat down with them to find out more. 

What is the main ethos behind your ‘party’?

We want people to feel comfortable. we want people to let loose, so what better reflection of this is there than dance? This is Loop Hole’s ethos. We do not want to create the typical chasm between the dj and the dancers. Rather, we try to impose a relationship and connection between everyone – it is essential that the dancer feels completely immersed in the discotheque experience. The experience is shared and rooted in a common goal, finding an ultimate sense of freedom that only the dance floor can provide.

What have you enjoyed about setting up Loop Hole?

The most enjoyable thing about throwing these parties has to be the parties themselves. All the organisation with artwork, promotion, decor, systems, spaces, all points towards a time when we can come together and dance. I find these nights really valuable as it provides a time where people can come and express themselves without fear of any judgement or discrimination. When the crowd truly comes together it becomes a family, and the individual is no more.

I feel like this kind of phenomenon is not readily available in day-to-day life and therefore nightlife necessarily facilitates it. Aside from that, I love the process of working with artists and putting them on a pedestal to display their work. The whole thing becomes a very organic process leading up to the event, and the art and music carries the whole thing through.

Is there anything you especially like about the scene in Leeds?

Leeds reflects many of our aspirations through its night life culture – it is a paragon for the underground dance music scene. It provides the landscape and demographic to achieve something special where everyone can feel comfortable, so I think it has a lot of potential for community based night activities.

I think the scene here is especially broadened due to this potentiality, there’s something for everyone here and therefore no one is confined to a dominant night or party or scene which is attached to the city. This diversity brings a lot of freedom to a place like Leeds, especially for guys like us who are more interested in throwing small capacity intimate parties, with no set genre or running theme.

What else have you been enjoying in Leeds?

Leeds nightlife has been a big inspiration to us. We love clubs like Distrikt, with their mind blowing bookings and laid-back approach to the ‘clubbing experience’, not to mention the constant free events, they really have got a good vibe down in there. Also Wire, an intimate basement room with a great system and consistently good crowd.

We are also big fans of Outlaws Yacht club and Cosmic Slop, who push informative dj sets within a relaxed atmosphere, and have a big charitable focus. In terms of newer nights that I’ve experienced in Leeds, I have particularly liked Nord due to their positive ethos and extra attention to detail. They never fail to make their parties a very interesting musical and visual experience. Also Glug Glug, who has a very intense passion for ecletism in music, and demonstrates something that we definitely strive for at Loop Hole.

Art wise, Melt Trip and Immortal Bloom have been fantastic to work with. They provide really cool interior design and decor for parties. I would recommend them highly! Also big things coming from Imprint, who explore interactive art and installation. Finally, we have been loving &Or Emporium. Their Facebook page has proved to be a perfect place for networking with artists, and keeping up to date with culture of art in Leeds.

What can we expect from Loop Hole this coming year?

We will be at the Hyde Park Book Club with our Dub Station on a monthly basis, starting October 6. These will be chilled out evenings where for the first time we will be able to play out the tunes that lie within our huge collection of roots reggae. Also, we are planning a couple of all night parties, so keep an eye out for those!

