Review: Ones We Watched at Sunny Bank Mills

By March 21, 2016



Ones We Watched 2016 is an annual exhibition of work by students and graduates of art schools in Leeds and Bradford. It showcases the artwork of these talented, emerging artists against the backdrop of the cultural heritage of Sunny Bank Mills in Farsley, Leeds.


There’s a lot to enjoy about this exhibition. You are immediately drawn to Katie Bentley’s delicate ceramic butterflies that appear to be fluttering in the air, weightlessly. In contrast, the solid ceramic faces created by Siamak Foroutan hang on the wall; evocative, distorted individuals.

Vibrant colours are seen in textiles inspired by ‘psychedelic surrealism’ (Louisa Foley), as well as Slovakian culture (Zuzana Marekova).

What I liked about Ones We Watched was the use of materials, sourced by foraging to create figurines out of twigs and wire (Sophie Dumont), or painted industrial landscapes onto wooden blocks (Mariel Borst Pauwels). Art doesn’t always have to be created on paper and canvas, but the recycling ethos is not a new concept to the art world.


These were just a few highlights of my visit. There are twenty-two artists whose work includes sculpture, photo-montage wallpaper, watercolour and pen and more. Well worth a visit.

One We Watched is free and runs from Saturday 5th March 2016- Sunday 3rd April 2016.

The gallery has a shop selling work by local designers, a tea room, and runs a programme of workshops throughout the year.

Find out more here.

