What's On

School’s Out(Spoken) featuring Mark Grist


I think I speak for all students when I say that we’ve all been to those careers fairs, internship lectures and information evenings, and while some may be useful and informative, in my experience, I am yet to attend something that really inspires me to pursue that career. As they explain the ins and outs of how to apply, and the experience you need, there is very rarely a clear display of passion, or even a unique presentation, and for a career as passion-led as teaching, I feel this a massive flaw.

This is where School’s Out(Spoken) comes in. This unique spoken word and poetry evening aims to be a very relaxed, creative, and passionate environment. Somewhere where audience members can not only sit back and enjoy some wonderful words on the theme of education and teaching, but also have the opportunity to talk to representatives from Ark Teacher Training, and learn about their mission to tackle educational inequality.

What makes this event even more exciting is the feature set from ex-teacher and well-known spoken word artist Mark Grist. Best known for his battles (which were a hit on YouTube) his 45-minute feature set followed by a question and answer session will be an insight in to both his teaching career and his new career as a ‘poetry master’, so to speak.

Spoken word is, in its nature, is an opportunity to speak out on subjects you are passionate upon. Through a collaboration with The University of Sheffield’s Poetry Society, School’s Out(Spoken) is an opportunity for students, and members of the public to quite literally, ‘speak out’ on the theme of education and teaching. With some slots for the open mic session before Mark’s performance already taken on by members of the Free University campaign, and some members of the Poetry Society speaking about how education influenced their creative vision, the night aims to be a varied and passionate opportunity to discuss the education system, rather than a dull attempt to persuade people into the teaching profession.

With Ark’s mission as an educational charity to tackle educational disadvantage, not only in the UK but internationally as well, they offer the perfect platform for this Out-spoken spoken word event. This will not be a riot against corrupt education, or even an appraisal of the martyrdom of the teaching profession but an exclusively creative opportunity to speak out, discuss and consider education and teaching in the UK.

If you would like to join the conversation, School’s Out(Spoken) Featuring Mark Grist will be held on 12th December 2016, Harrison’s Bar (just off West Street), doors at 7pm.

