Ten Questions with Forever Cult

By June 9, 2015


[Images courtesy of Forever Cult]

In the run up to Long Division Festival this weekend we managed to snag 10 questions with Kieran Clarke, Aaron Snowdon and Alex Greaves, collectively known as Forever Cult.

The Leeds-based band have been heavy on the West Yorkshire gigging scene and despite keeping mum on who actually came up with their name, we found out about how the band came to fruition, their favourite venues and Antonio Banderas…(That last part makes more sense once you get to the end).


TSOTA: Starting with the basics- how did you guys get together?
FC: We all met in Huddersfield. Kieran made some awesome bedroom recordings. Snowy stepped in as drummer and Forever Cult was a 2 piece for 6 months. Then I (Alex) came in when I was producing their first EP. And here we are now.


TSOTA: I’ve listened to a couple of your tracks like Suntrap and the first thing I thought was “Arctic Monkeys”, have you ever had that comparison before?
FC: Very occasionally we get the AM thing. Especially when we were more of an indie band. I know that Kieran and Snowy are still huge AM fans as well. It’s certainly not a comparison that offends us anyway!


TSOTA: Your dream collaboration with any artist or band?
FC: Can’t say this is something we’ve thought about. I’m gonna guess Kieran will say Wavves!


TSOTA: What’s been your favourite venue to play so far?
FC: It’s hard to get past playing the Brudenell. It’s such a great place. Good sound. Good beer. Good prices. Good people.


TSOTA: What’s the funniest mishap that’s ever happened whilst playing a set?
FC: I smashed a bass to bits once. That might have been funny for other people? I still hear the noise in my sleep.


TSOTA: Do you have any pre-gig rituals?
FC: Drinking. Smoking. Occasionally change some strings? Maybe more drinking?


FC 2


TSOTA: What do you guys get up to when you’re not gigging?
FC: We do what we can to afford to eat and continue gigging really. Snowy is a promoter and I’m a producer so luckily its music related most of the time.


TSOTA: Dream job outside of the music world?
FC: The dream is to be involved in music 100% of the time. I’m not sure there’s a dream outside of that?


TSOTA: Who came up with the name?
FC: I’m afraid we can’t tell you that. Sorry!


TSOTA: And lastly, what’s next on the calendar for the band?
FC: We have a new single, “Antonio Banderas”, that is being released via Clue Records in July. We’re also heading off on our first headline tour in support of that.


**Catch Forever Cult at Long Division this weekend. Get your tickets here.

Upcoming show dates:

13th July – Tunbridge Wells Forum- Tunbridge Wells
14th July – The Green Door Store – Brighton
15th July – The Old Blue Last – London
16th July – The Soundhouse Leicester
17th July- Brudenell Social Club – Leeds
18th July – HeadofSteam – Newcastle
19th July – The Castle Hotel, 66 Oldham Street, Manchester M4 1LE

The Leeds show at the Brudenell is our single launch with two of our favourite local bands… Walleater & Colour of Spring. All tickets for the shows are available here

Raisa Butt

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