Ten year-old Art Collective asks ‘What’s Your Favourite Idea?’

By May 17, 2014

Art & Photography. Leeds.

Black Dogs is an artist collective whose first exhibition took place in Leeds in 2004. Describing themselves as a DIY ‘militantly not-for-profit’ arts group, the collective’s output has included formal exhibitions, relational and participatory installations, public events and interventions, publications, video, audio works and records and collaborative learning projects. During their time together Black Dogs have been invited to do exhibitions and commissions for Tate Modern, MK Gallery in Milton Keynes, SWG3 Studios in Glasgow, Yorkshire Forward, Fabric and Bradford Council, and contributed to the early editions of Leeds’ Light Night.

10 years on, the Black Dogs team are about to celebrate their tenth anniversary in style with a party at The New Bradford Playhouse on Saturday 24th May. Here’s what we can expect…

The party will a free event, open to all and will be an opportunity to bring together the numerous artists, musicians, performers and creatives that have been involved in the collective over the last decade.

Taking place as part of the city-wide free music and art festival Bradford Threadfest, there will be live music from Japan’s Nisennenmondai, Nottingham’s Rattle, Snack Family from London and Polymitas – a live film and improvised music collaboration from Berlin and Bradford.

Further entertainment will include films, performances, games, music and installations; all devised in response to the question: ‘What’s Your Favourite Idea?’.

Black Dog’s member Yvonne Carmichael tells TSOTA, “we wanted a fun, positive and open question as a way of getting people involved, and also something that will reflect the shared, diverse and sometimes conflicting vision of those that have contributed to Black Dogs over the years. We also want to hear from people who are new to Black Dogs, for them to tell us what their favourite idea is.”

The Black Dogs ‘What’s Your Favourite Idea?’ party takes at The New Bradford Playhouse on Saturday May 24th from 8pm. It is free entry and will be preceded with an installation in Art In Unusual Spaces’ ‘Dark Matter Institute’ in Oastler Market during the day.

See Black Dogs’ website for more details:  www.black-dogs.org

If you want to offer Black Dogs a response to the question ‘What’s Your Favourite Idea?’ please send it in an email to [email protected].

The Black Dogs What’s Your Favourite Idea exhibition and event have been supported through funding from Arts Council England and Bradford Council.




ART IN UNUSUAL SPACES: www.artinunusualspaces.com

BRADFORD THREADFEST: www.bradfordthreadfest.com




