Spoken word review: Rhubarb @ The Triangle – ‘confident and dynamic’

By April 2, 2016


rhubard logo

Shipley has a new spoken word event that was launched on Wednesday 23rd March at The Triangle. Rhubarb is hosted by co-founders, Kristina and Dan, who wanted to bring local writers together at venue to perform their work. The launch night proved to be a success.

Over thirty people – made up of audience and performers from all over Leeds and Bradford –arrived in the small room upstairs. All seats were taken and standing room included viewing from the stairs. Dutch courage might have been needed by some, but the delivery of poetry and prose – by the thirteen writers – was confident and dynamic.

It was refreshing to see a mix of ages showcasing varied writing styles with some brave writing too. Themes ranged from humorous, thought provoking to pure anarchy.

walshHow does Rhubarb work? There are five ‘open mic’ spots that are booked in advance on a first come first served basis via email: [email protected] with a maximum 4 minute slots. In a bid to keep to time Katrina had a warning card to call time. She had to use it twice to the amusement of the audience; the performers were too engrossed in their performances to notice. There are five slots to fill on the night too.

Rhubarb’s headline guest was the acclaimed poet, Genevieve Walsh – A Firm of Poets and Spoken Weird. An outstanding gutsy, gritty performance of honest observation, emotion and humour, and then some..

This fledgling spoken word gathering might have to expand downstairs next month to accommodate the enthusiastic writers and audience.

Rhubarb meet monthly at The Triangle, Shipley, 7pm till 9.30pm. Pay-as-you-feel. Their next spoken word night is 27th April featuring Sai Muray.

