Get to Know Your Galleries at Leeds University

By February 21, 2016


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Having only recently had the pleasure of discovering Leeds University’s Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery, it is a further delight to be able to preview an upcoming programme of events designed to get adults and children alike enthused by Galleries in Leeds.

To celebrate the opening of two new exhibitions, Treasures of the Brotherton Gallery and Michael Lyon’s Freeze Frame at the Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery respectively, the good people at Leeds University Library Galleries have just announced Get To Know Your Galleries, a week-long gala aimed at getting all ages inspired by and involved at the University’s galleries.

Running from the 8th to the 12th March, Get To Know Your Galleries consists of free talks, workshop events and even a sketch club. The event kicks off on Tuesday 8th with Tuesday Treasure (1.15-1.45pm), a chance to get up close with artefacts usually reserved for the University’s special collection, along with the After Hours Launch (6.00-8.00pm) of the aforementioned Michael Lyon exhibition. This is followed through the week by Please Do Touch (Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm) a decidedly hands-on exhibition, Welcome to the Treasures (Thursday 1.10-1.55pm) an introductory talk for both collections, Curators Pick (Thursday 6.00-7.00pm) a chance to join curator Layla Bloom as she highlights her personal favourites, the Sketch Club workshop (Friday 12.30-3.00pm) and finally Saturday’s Arty Antics (10.30am-12.30pm) a family friendly workshop inspired by the sculptures featured in Michael Lyon’s Freeze Frame exhibition which brings an end to the festivities.

Get To Know Your Galleries is the perfect chance to get children enthused by arts and crafts, as-well as a prime opportunity to resurrect any given adult’s dormant inner-artist. In an age where funding for the arts is being slashed massively, by a political elite who do not appreciate its potential to heal and develop, it is doubly important to impart an artistic appreciation upon the next generation. Get To Know Your Galleries is a chance to do just that.

Both Galleries can be found in the Parkinson Building at the University of Leeds. For info click here

