
Local novelist is funding publication through Unbound


There’s a pretty awesome writer called Richard Smyth who’s written an awesome book called Quays and Richard needs awesome people like yourself to help get it published! The novel’s publication will be funded through a website called Unbound, and therefore needs pledges from members of the public in order to be successful.

Quays is a novel set in Jazz Age Manhattan; it’s about love, and death, and writing, and madness, and politics and all kinds of other things.

You can read the book’s synopsis, excerpts and all about the author online. I think finding out about the author is the most important thing, right? After all, you’re backing his book. Richard’s written loads of cool stuff for journals, is an award-winning short fiction writer and even sets questions for Mastermind. And, even better, he’s from West Yorkshire. What’s not to love?

So, if you’d like to back a local writer you can get loads of rewards in return. Obviously if you pledge you’ll get a digital copy of the book once it’s published as a minimum, plus all supporters get their name printed in every edition of the book and all levels include immediate access to the author’s shed! The more you pledge, the cooler and more special the rewards get.

Find out more by visiting Richard’s Unbound page.

