
Marsicans, Vistas and Golden Age of TV @ Church

By March 26, 2018

Music. Leeds.


Finishing off their UK tour, Marsicans played a joyous, refreshing gig at the stunning venue that is Church. The local Leeds lads have been gigging for some years, growing from their early Oporto shows, to selling out multiple venues across the country. It was clear on Saturday night, however, that they are still very much home and grounded, demonstrated in their humble yet infectiously upbeat performance.

Despite the first support act having only just started, the venue was surprisingly full – an indicator of the good night to come. The age of the audience varied, with the younger fans fighting for the front spots, and the more mature populating the periphery. First up was the most exciting band of the night, The Golden Age of TV. Armed with their usual floral decorations and lucky cat, they graced the stage with music that was both catchy and original.

Next up was feel-good Scottish group Vistas, who released a flurry of well received, high energy singles over the course of last year. The latter end of the year saw them touring all over the UK, which came through in their confident, polished performance. With easy-listening, lively tunes, Vistas provided the perfect warm up for the headliner act.

By the time Marsicans graced the stage, the venue was bustling with excitement, and rightfully so. The band thrilled their fans with a slick performance, full of passion and energy, as well as a slightly rockier edge to their well-loved indie pop songs. Even with their younger audience, their performance was far from patronising. Instead, Marsicans produced a wonderfully wholesome and heart-warming night.

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