Review: The Sound of Music @ Alhambra Theatre – ‘authentic and inspirational’


The exciting and spectacular Bill Kenwright production of The Sound of Music left the Bradford Alhambra audience transfixed and truly captivated by the vibrant glamorous and fast moving show. The scenes were skillfully transformed with slick and prestige from one to another.

The atmosphere of the nunnery was delicate and had spiritual feeling of almost being transported within the show to the von Trapp’s home with its Viennese splendour and glamour. Attention to detail was reflected in the sweeping staircase and the European furniture of the sets were a perfect background to the heart-felt performances.

p1a6qn97757nb19ahvdt1olg1s541The show was filled with emotional excitement and a reflection of pre-war Austria. As Maria, Lucy O’Byrne brings to light the character we know and love, bringing her own individual style and voice to the character. Her enthusiastic motherly energy shone through, her velvet powerful voice filled the theatre and the chemistry between Captain von Trapp played by Gray O’Brien was evident and projected well.

Mother Abbess played by Jan Hartley was inspiring and magical, especially when singing ‘Climb Every Mountain’ which was a particular moving part of the performance. The von Trapp children were all truly outstanding and a pleasure to see. While the Baroness Elberfeld played by Anouska Eaton added a twist of fun and diversity to the production.

The authenticity and inspirational production of the production made for an outstanding show most definitely not to be missed, one of the best shows I have seen in a while, put this one in your diary.

Reviewed by Gillian Sammer at Alhambra Theatre Bradford on 16 February 2016. Touring till 8 October 2016, see Bill Kenwright website.

