
See / Hear / Read #4 : Interview with GoGo Penguin’s Chris Illingworth

Chris Illingworth (centre) with GoGo Penguin. Credit: Jon Shard,

As part of our ‘See/Hear/Read’ series, The State of the Arts is launching its very own podcast. Our podcast episodes will feature interviews and showcase artists and creative thinkers in the North of England. In each episode, we’ll hear a new artist speak about their work and the world of the arts in general.

In our first episode, we sat down with GoGo Penguin’s Chris Illingworth, pianist in Manchester’s most exciting band. Nominated for a Mercury Prize and hailed as one of the best live acts around, GoGo Penguin have worked up a distinct sound that makes them much more than your typical jazz act, taking IDM or UK dance styles and structures, and treating them with classical and jazz instruments. 

In June, the band released their 5th album. TSOTA interviewed Chris about the process of releasing an album in such unexpected circumstances. We also discussed Manchester’s DIY jazz scene, the ways GoGo Penguin make their music and what the future holds for the music and live performance industry.

You can listen to all our podcasts on Apple Music here!

The State of the Arts
The State of the Arts
See / Hear / Read #4 : Interview with GoGo Penguin’s Chris Illingworth

