Threads: A Collaborative Curve Stitching Project

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After a successful collaboration at Leeds Central Library last year, Leeds based artist-maker Alison McIntyre and designer Lee Goater have rejoined forces for a new project called Threads.

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The project, funded by Leeds Inspired, has been running since last October and will culminate this June in an exhibition at Colours May Vary. Since the start of the project, artist Alison has worked with over 80 people in Leeds, teaching them how to curve stitch through a series of workshops. By cleverly combining art and maths, Curve Stitch uses embroidery thread to create intriguing and beautiful geometric patterns in card. Participants in the project began as students and then, as some of them progressed into the second thread of the project and made work for the exhibition, they became artists. Alongside this, the artists have been interested in how concentration on arts and craft affects conversation, asking questions that include: Are we more relaxed? Do we worry less about making eye contact and filling gaps in conversation? And do we talk about different things?

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To explore this further, conversations from the workshops have been recorded, and excerpts will be interwoven into the final exhibition. Designer Lee Goater has typographically interpreted the conversations, and a publication will be produced to celebrate and catalogue the process of the project. The final exhibition will explore ideas around communities and the creative group process, as well as showcasing many beautiful and intriguing curve stitched designs, made using a contemporary approach to traditional sewing techniques.

The exhibition will take place at Colours May Vary, Munro House, and opens on 9th June 6-9pm to 30th June. There will also be an Artist Talk on Sunday 19th June at 2pm.

For more information please visit the website.

